Preface (Introduction) Topic Index Glossary F.A.Q. Copyright
Window decor look Color Scheme feel Database
The Database is the central place for defining window behaviour.
If ~/.afterstep/database is not found, system wide config will be used - usually found in /usr/share/afterstep/database
Use the Ident module to find out how to identify windows by name, icon name, resource name or resource class.
What you can define:
- window decor:
NoFrame ,
Frame "frame_name" ,
NoTitle ,
Title ,
NoHandles ,
Handles ,
Button number ,
NoButton number ,
HorizontalTitle ,
VerticalTitle ,
BorderWidth pixel ,
HandleWidth pixel
- icons :
NoIcon ,
Icon "icon_name" ,
IconTitle ,
NoIconTitle ,
- properties :
FocusStyle "mystyle_name" ,
UnfocusStyle "mystyle_name" ,
StickyStyle "mystyle_name" ,
Focus ,
NoFocus ,
WindowListSkip ,
WindowListHit ,
CirculateSkip ,
CirculateHit ,
StartNormal ,
Layer layer_number,
StaysOnTop ,
StaysPut ,
StaysOnBack ,
AvoidCover ,
AllowCover ,
Sticky ,
Slippery ,
ViewportX number ,
ViewportY number ,
StartsOnDesk desk_number ,
StartsAnyWhere ,
WindowBox ,
DefaultGeometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y ,
See Database manual pages for details.
AfterStep Documentation - October 2005 ( 80% complete )