MenuPinOn <image>
MenuPinOn is deprecated and AfterStep will reinterpret
it, and it will create new TitleButton using last unused
TitleButton context. It will then assign PinMenu function to
this button. This button will only be shown on titlebars
belonging to menu windows. This button behaves just like any
other TitleButton - for example you can use TitleButtonOrder to
specify where it should go. Problem is you may not know what
context AfterStep had choosen for it. The better way would be
to explicitely define TitleButton, and assign PinMenu to it in
your feel.
MenuHiTitleStyle "mystyle"
AfterStep now allows you to specify MyStyle to be used
for titlebar of currently hilighted menu. AS soo as menu goes out
of focus its titlebar will be rendered using MenuTitleStyle.