- DeskBorderColor
Defines the color of the Desk 's border. Use it to
override default which is the style's foreground color
- DeskBorderWidth
Specifies the width of the border to be drawn around each
- GridColor
Specifies a different color than the fore color to draw
grid lines. If this option is unused, then the same color
specified with *PagerFore will be used for the grids.
- HideInactiveLabels
When this option is specified - Pager will use shaped
extensions to make label of all inactive desks transpar-
- LabelBelowDesk
This will place label below the desk instead of above the
- NoDeskLabel
Turns OFF desk's labeling
- NoPageSeparator
Turns OFF grid separating pages
- NoSelection
Turns highliting of the current page OFF
- SelectionColor
Turns ON highliting of the current page, and specifies
color of hilighting
- VerticalLabel
Displays the label of the Pager vertically (on the left side of the Pager).